Varley Group Divisions

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Varley Group Divisions

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Excellence since 1886

Customised and highly dependable defence solutions across various domains.

Design and manufacture of commercial, emergency  and service-based vehicles.

Servicing, maintenance of industrial assets and bespoke projects. 

Network systems and security across multiple sectors and multiple applications.

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Local Rescue

Depend on us for swift and reliable local marine rescue solutions.


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Local Rescue

Varley Port & marine have amassed an immense amount of knowledge and expertise in all areas of ship maintenance and repair. The company also draws on an enormous skill base including technical personnel, engineers (marine, design, mechanical, structural) and support staff, enabling the company to carry out work in all areas of general and specialist ship repair.

On ships of varying classes, Varley has undertaken project work from routine maintenance through to major structural end engine conversions.

  • Salvaging and Refloating Vessels: Varley Port & Marine specializes in salvaging vessels that have run aground or faced other maritime emergencies, such as the bulk carrier Pasha Bulka, which ran aground off the coast of Newcastle.

  • Comprehensive Assessment and Planning: The team conducts thorough assessments of emergency situations, analyzing factors like tides, weather conditions, and structural integrity to devise meticulously planned rescue operations.

  • Collaboration and Coordination: Varley collaborates closely with naval architects, marine engineers, salvage experts, and various authorities, including port corporations, environmental agencies, and emergency services, to coordinate rescue efforts effectively.

  • Utilization of Specialized Equipment and Techniques: They employ heavy-duty cranes, tugs, and sophisticated ballast systems to refloat stranded vessels, using carefully calculated ballast adjustments to lift ships off reefs without causing further damage.

  • 24/7 Emergency Response: Varley’s team works tirelessly around the clock, battling unfavorable weather conditions and overcoming challenges to ensure the success of rescue operations.

  • Environmental Considerations: They prioritize environmental protection, considering the impact of their actions on surrounding marine life and ecology while executing rescue missions.

  • Expertise and Reputation: Varley’s exceptional skills and reputation in the industry make them a trusted entity in marine salvage and engineering, capable of tackling even the most challenging maritime emergencies.


Pasha Bulka

Varley Port & Marine was tasked with the challenging job of salvaging the enormous bulk carrier named Pasha Bulka. This enormous vessel had run aground on a notorious reef off the coast of Newcastle, Australia, during a violent storm on Friday 8th June 2007. The news of the stranded ship had made headlines, capturing the attention of the entire nation.

Given our vast experience and expertise in such operations, Varley was called upon to handle the intricate salvage operation. With a reputation built on successful rescue missions and complex marine engineering projects, Varley knew they were up for the challenge.

The Pasha Bulka, weighing a staggering 40,000 tons, stood high and dry on Nobby’s Beach, causing a major obstruction to the port of Newcastle. Its groundings made it a daunting task for the Varley Port & Marine team who needed to devise a meticulously planned operation to safely refloat the vessel without causing further damage to the ship or the environment.

The Varley Port & marine Team immediately sprang into action, conducting a comprehensive assessment of the situation. They meticulously analyzed every aspect of the operation, considering factors such as tides, weather conditions, and the structural integrity of the ship. They collaborated closely with naval architects, marine engineers, and salvage experts to design an innovative solution tailored to the unique challenges posed by the Pasha Bulka.

To refloat the behemoth ship, Varley relied on a combination of heavy-duty cranes, tugs, and a sophisticated ballast system. They meticulously calculated the right amount of ballast to be pumped into and out of the ship’s compartments, carefully adjusting the weight distribution to lift the ship off the reef.

The salvage operation required meticulous planning and execution. Varley had to coordinate with various authorities, including the Newcastle Port Corporation, environmental agencies, and emergency services, to ensure a smooth and safe operation. They also had to consider the impact of their actions on the surrounding marine life and ecology.

Days turned into weeks, with the team working around the clock, battling unfavorable weather conditions, and overcoming numerous challenges. But their expertise and perseverance paid off. After weeks of meticulous efforts and maneuvering, Varley successfully refloated the Pasha Bulka, much to the relief of everyone involved.

The salvaging of the Pasha Bulka became a testament to Varley’s exceptional skills and reputation in the industry. Their expertise allowed them to accomplish what seemed like an impossible task. The successful operation garnered significant praise from both the local community and the global maritime industry.

Varley’s involvement in the Pasha Bulka salvage operation solidified their position as a leading marine contractor, renowned for their unwavering commitment to excellence and their ability to tackle the most challenging marine engineering projects. Their exceptional work on this salvage operation further cemented their reputation as a trusted entity in the field of marine salvage and engineering.