Varley Group Divisions

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Varley Group Divisions

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Excellence since 1886

Customised and highly dependable defence solutions across various domains.

Design and manufacture of commercial, emergency  and service-based vehicles.

Servicing, maintenance of industrial assets and bespoke projects. 

Network systems and security across multiple sectors and multiple applications.

Join Varley Group and make a difference.


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Privacy Policy

Varley Group Pty Ltd (ACN 629 995 820) (Varley Group, us or we) knows that your care how information about you or your business is used and shared, and appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. Varley Group is bound by the Australian Privacy Principles (AAPs) contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). This Policy explains how we manage the personal information we collect through this website, (Website), or other websites under the Varley Group brand.

By using our Website or by otherwise providing your personal information to us, you confirm your acceptance of the terms of this Privacy Policy and you consent to the handling of your personal information as set out in this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with the terms of this Privacy Policy, please do not use the Website or otherwise provide us with your personal information.

The Varley Group is committed to protecting personal information it collects from people including but not limited to:
·       Customers, suppliers and contractors who are natural persons;
·       Prospective employees;
·       Visitors.

Personal information means information or an opinion that is capable of reasonably identifying an individual, whether that information or opinion is true or not, and whether the information or opinion is recorded in a material form or not.
Sensitive information is a subset of personal information and includes, for example, health information and information about a person’s racial or ethnic origin; membership of a professional association, trade association or trade union; and details of a person’s criminal record.
The Varley Group will only collect such personal information that is reasonably necessary for or directly related to business operations and associated activities. Information will only be collected with the knowledge and consent of the individuals concerned and only by means that are fair and lawful.

The Varley Group will only collect such personal information that is reasonably necessary for or directly related to its business operations and associated activities. Information will only be collected with the knowledge and consent of the individuals concerned and only by means that are fair and lawful.
The types of personal information that Varley Group may collect and the reasons for this collection may include:
·       Person’s name – identification of visitors to a Varley Group site
·       Email address – respond to an enquiry about products and/or services
·       Postal address – Industry networking, potential suppliers, potential customers

Like most website operators, Varley Group may collect non-personally-identifying information (NPII) of the sort that web browsers and servers typically make available, such as the browser type, language preference, referring site, and the date and time of each visitor request.
Varley Group’s purpose in collecting NPII is to better understand how Varley Group’s visitors use its Website. The information collected will also help us troubleshoot problems, analyse our resources and improve our services.
Varley Group may also collect potentially personal information like Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Varley Group will only use and disclose IP addresses under the same circumstances that it uses and discloses personal information as described in our Privacy Policy, unless otherwise required by law.

Where we use personal information to send marketing information by email, SMS, MMS or other electronic means, we may do so with your express or implied consent. You may give us your express consent by, for example, ticking a box on an electronic or paper form where we seek your permission to send you electronic or other marketing information. Consent may be implied from our existing business relationship or where you have a reasonable expectation of receiving an electronic marketing communication.
Every direct marketing communication sent or made by Varley Group will include a means by which you may unsubscribe or opt out of receiving further marketing information. Additionally, you may instruct us at any time to remove any previous consent you provided to receive marketing communications from us. Requests should be directed to

You are entitled to access and correct the personal information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in the information corrected. However, in order to maintain the accuracy of your personal information, we rely on the quality of the personal information you provide to us. If you would like to access, update or correct any of the personal information we hold about you, you may do so by contacting us using the Contact Details below and informing us that you wish to access or correct your personal information.
There are some circumstances specified by law where we may refuse your request for access to and/or the correction of your personal information. However, if one of these circumstances applies, we will provide you with a written explanation of the reasons for refusal, unless it would be unreasonable to provide that notice.
Once we receive your request for access or correction, we will endeavour to respond to your request within a reasonable period after the request is made. No fees or charges will be applied for responding to your request.

In the event that the Varley Group is compelled by law to disclose personal information it holds reasonable efforts will be made to advise the person of this disclosure provided that in doing so Varley Group is not contravening a lawful instruction. In any case, Varley Group will make a written note on the relevant file that such a disclosure was made.

If Varley Group, or substantially all of its assets, were acquired, or in the unlikely event that Varley Group goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, user information would be one of the assets that is transferred or acquired by a third party. You acknowledge that such transfers may occur, and that any acquirer of Varley Group or its business may continue to use your personal information as set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Varley Group manages personal information in accordance with its Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Varley Group takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of our system and to protect your information from misuse, interference and loss as well as unauthorised access, modification or disclosure. Any information which we hold for you is stored on secure servers that are protected in controlled facilities. However, you should be aware that confidentiality and security are not assured when information is transmitted by email or wireless communication. Unsolicited personal information and personal information that is no longer required by the Varley Group will be securely and confidentially destroyed.

All Varley Group employees must comply with our established processes to ensure that personal information is collected and used for a legitimate purpose and that all personal information is properly controlled. Anyone found to be in breach of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

If you have any complaints about our dealings with your personal information, including any breaches by us of any Australian Privacy Principles or any questions regarding this Privacy Policy, you are able to submit that complaint or query by contacting us at We will then investigate your complaint and endeavour to provide you with our response within a reasonable time.
Should you not be satisfied with the resolution of your complaint, you are able to seek further redress through the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (see for further information)